These Rules are in effect for one year at a time. A simple majorty is required to change the "Rules of Competition" and may be changed at any league meeting. Bylaws are on going. A Two thirds majority is required for changes to the Bylaws. Bylaws can only be changed at the annual meeting.
Note: This page is a summary of the Sunset Soccer League By-Laws, if there is a conflict with the By-Laws, the By-Laws shall prevail.
During special circumstances the scheduled time may be set at a different length. For example, if the time period available is shorter than usually necessary to play a full time match, the scheduler may reduce the time to fit all games in the time available. Any shortened scheduled games will be noted on the League's Official Web Site
The league plays under full F.I.F.A rules with the following exceptions:
The League Trial Board shall decide penalties for red card cases.These penalties may include game suspensions, fines and other requirements, such as a letter of apology.
It is important to note that the trial board is not an investigative agency, Therefore, it is incumbent on team managers to provide written statements or other evidence in disciplinary cases that come before the trial board.
Fighting, abusing referees and cheating are especially frowned upon because such conduct destroys the integrity of the game and jeopardizes our field permits.
Players or managers who use other player's ID cards or create fake ID cards are subject to explusion from the League.
Re-instatement of expelled players or managers for any offense will require a vote of the entire board and may require additional penalties for re-instatement.
Teams bringing or drinking alcoholic beverages face suspension or expulsion from the League.
Decisions of the Trial Board may be appealed to the full League Board. The appeal must be in writing and within 30 days of receiving the decision from the Trial Board. The appeal shall be submitted to the President of the League.
Games may be rescheduled under the following conditions:
With one week or less notice, the opponent must agree, otherwise it is a forfeit and the offending team loses the points.
Additionally Referees must be given 48 hours notice, otherwise the offending team pays the referee fees.
Teams who fail to show up for a scheduled game must pay the referee fees in full.
In case of rain, you will be notified Saturday evening after 7:00 PM. You also can call the City of Garden Grove "Mud Line" after 8:30 AM on Sunday. The telephone number is: 714-741-5221